Youth & Young Adult Ministries (Y2AM)
There are active Youth and Young Adult Ministries, Y2AM, for all ages, from nursery to young professionals. At each gathering, these groups participate in a variety of activities to promote their learning and development as Orthodox Christians, as well as bonding and fellowship with their peers.
Youth and Young Adult Ministry Groups, Y2AM, include:
Faith: Faith is the ministry for newly baptized infants and toddlers, Pre-K and Kindergarten, and their moms/dads.
Visit Faith Page
Hope: The Hellenic Orthodox Primary Education, HOPE, is the ministry for children from First through Second Grade.
Visit Hope Page Joy: The Junior Orthodox Youth, JOY, is the ministry for children in Third through Fifth Grades.
Visit Joy Page
Jr. GOYA: The Junior Greek Orthodox Youth of America, or Jr. GOYA, is the ministry for young persons in Jr. High School.
Visit Goya PageSr. GOYA: The Greek Orthodox Youth of America, or GOYA, is the ministry for young persons in High School.
Visit Goya Page
Acolytes: Acolytes, or Altar Boys, are young men who have committed themselves to helping with the Divine Services of our Church by assisting in the Holy Altar. Beginning at 10 years old, young men are able to begin serving and assisting in the Holy Altar.
College Ministry: College Ministry is the ministry which strives to keep our college-age (18-22 years old) students near and far from our Cathedral connected to home and a parish near where they are living and studying.
Young Professionals Ministry: Young Professionals Ministry is the ministry which aims to introduce young professionals (post-college, graduate school, and the working world, 22-35ish) to Jesus Christ so young professionals can live out their relationship with the Lord and His Church on a daily basis in a working world. Our goal is to help our young adults develop an awareness of their identity as Orthodox Christians as well as to bring them together in fellowship and service with other young adult Orthodox Christians in the Houston area.
Orthodox Christian Fellowship (OCF): The mission of OCF is to support fellowships on college campuses, whose members experience and witness to the Orthodox Christian Church through community life, prayer, service to others and study of the Faith (Acts 2:42). Furthermore, OCF will work to nurture and strengthen love for Jesus Christ and His Church in its fullness at this most critical juncture of human life through:
- Communication between OCF's and with the larger Orthodox community
- Development of resources for local OCF's
- National endeavors such as College Conference, Real Break, website and a national newsletter
For more information about OCF please visit us at
Annunciation Dance Ministry: Dancers from the Cathedral practice throughout the year and perform at venues, including the Greek Festival at the Cathedral, at Orthodox churches around the Houston area, and at various civic events and folk festivals. For classes or to take part in the exhibition dancing, contact the Cathedral Office.
Visit Annunciation Dance Ministry Page
Scouting Programs: In addition to a scouting program, the Cathedral also holds scouting award classes.
Visit the Scouting Page
For more information about Youth Ministry Programs email
Annunciation Greek Orthodox Cathedral
3511 Yoakum Boulevard Houston, TX 77006 Office: (713) 526-5377 Fax: (713) 526-1048 Office Hours: Weekdays 8am-4:30pm |