Annunciation Dance Ministry

Dancers from the Cathedral practice throughout the year and perform at venues, including the Greek Festival at the Cathedral, at Orthodox churches around the Houston area, and at various civic events and folk festivals.  For classes or to take part in the exhibition dancing, contact the Cathedral office.

For more information contact:
Annunciation Cathedral Office at 713-526-5377
or e-mail:

In order to participate in the 2010 Greek Festival Evening program, you must be at least a junior in high school through the age of 35.  Additional requirements and pertinent information are in the form below.  Please click on the link below, complete the form and send it back via email to BEFORE July 31st.

Annunciation Greek Orthodox Cathedral
3511 Yoakum Boulevard
Houston, TX 77006
Office: (713) 526-5377
Fax: (713) 526-1048
Office Hours: Weekdays 8am-4:30pm